Excel 2011 Auto Adjust Cell Height For Wrapped Text

  1. Excel Auto Row Height For Wrapped Text
  2. Automatically Adjust Row Height To Fit Text In Excel
  3. Excel 2011 Auto Adjust Cell Height For Wrapped Text Symbol

This Excel tutorial explains how to stop the text from wrapping when pasting into cells in Excel 2010 (with screenshots and step-by-step instructions).

See solution in other versions of Excel:

Open the Excel file that you want to fix the overflowing text in. Select it, and on the Home tab, look for the alignment toolbox. Click the Wrap text button and the text will fit inside the cell without changing its width. The height will change instead to accommodate the text. Re: Automatically Adjusting Row Height to Show Multiple Lines of Text. Select the Developer Tab, click on Visual Basic select the sheet you want to contain the autofit. When the sheet window pops up select 'change' from the drop down menu on the top right and paste the following autofit command into the sheet: Rows ('9:100').EntireRow.AutoFit.

  • Autofit Row Height: This feature automatically adjusts the row height to fit the text in the cell. You can autofit multiple rows at once. In most cases, you would notice that Excel automatically adjusts the row height when you enter more than one line in the same cell. In those cases, you won’t need to do any row height adjustment.
  • The text wraps within the cell, but the row is too short and cuts off the text. If this occurs, you can allow Excel to dynamically and automatically resize rows, so that they are tall enough to display the full text. By default, all rows are the same height, to conserve the same layout that you created in the document.

Question: First of all, I have the 'wrap text' option unchecked in Microsoft Excel 2010. However, when I paste a large amount of text into Excel (especially text with line feeds in it), Excel automatically resizes my row height and turns the 'wrap text' feature on. How can I stop Excel from doing this?

Answer: The problem is that Excel auto-sizes the row height when you paste text into Excel. So when you paste text, as you can see below, Excel will increase your row height and set your cell's attributes to 'wrap text'.

To prevent Excel from auto wrapping text, right click on the row(s) and select Row Height from the popup menu.

When the Row Height window appears, you don't need to change the row height...but only click on the OK button. This will let Excel know that you want a fixed size for the row height, instead of auto-sizing it.

Now when you paste text into the cell, the row height should remain the same.

Excel auto row height for wrapped text

Save 5 minutes a day by using ASAP Utilities to automatically fit the row height on merged cells too.

Make the AutoFit Row Height work on merged cells

Strangely, when using the AutoFit feature in Excel it completely ignores merged cells.
In standard Excel, you cannot use the AutoFit feature on a row that contains a cell merged with cells in other columns or rows. When you use merged cells, you need to manually adjust the row height.
If you have thousands of rows, manually adjusting the row heights is a cumbersome task. Fortunately we've got a tool in ASAP Utilities that automatically does this for you.

You quickly auto fit the row height on all selected cells - including merged cells - with:
ASAP Utilities » Columns & Rows » Autofit row height (also on merged cells)

In addition to the standard functionality in Excel this tool also adjusts the height properly on merged cells (where 'wrap text' is set).

Excel Auto Row Height For Wrapped Text

Do you recognize any of these situations?

  • When I merge cells and then choose the wrap text option the Autofit function no longer works. Is there a way to get around this without manually sizing the row each time?
  • I have a spreadsheet with merged columns (E-N), and also wrap text marked. The AutoFit Row Height does not apply and if you double click the row it defaults to 15. Each row, according to the data entered, is of various sizes. Is there a way to copy row heights or another way I can automatically adjust? I have over 200 rows I must adjust as each week as a new tab is created with some of the same plus added criteria. It is quite time consuming to manually adjust every row.
  • When a group of cells in a row are merged and the text wraps to two or more lines, double-clicking the row border just to the left of column A (or Format>Row>Autofit) auto-heights the row to one line of text. Either of these actions should heighten the row to fit the text in the merged cells. How can I fix this?

Just select the cells and then use the following tool:
ASAP Utilities » Columns & Rows » Autofit row height (also on merged cells)

This is so much quicker than manually investigating and adjusting each row as Microsoft describes on their website.

How much time will it save?

Automatically Adjust Row Height To Fit Text In Excel

It's guaranteed that you'll save yourself time and effort by using this tool. However, the actual time saved depends on how much you use Excel, the amount of data you are working with and how often you use this particular tool.
You can easily see how much time ASAP Utilities has saved you so far.


Excel 2011 Auto Adjust Cell Height For Wrapped Text Symbol

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