Ssl Plugins


Ssl plugins crack

Auto-Install Free SSL

‘Auto-Install Free SSL’ automatically issues, renews and installs Let’s Encrypt™ Free SSL Certificate on WordPress website & also on all the websites hosted in a cPanel server.

The JSM Force SSL plugin is a little different from the other WordPress SSL plugins we have already discussed previously in our list. But before we get to that, this plugin is super easy to use, fast and effective at making sure that all of your HTTP URLs will get rewritten and redirected to the secure HTTPS URL. Advanced Audio Production. From groundbreaking audio production consoles to innovative personal studios, Solid State Logic are the world's leading manufacturer of creative tools for music, live sound and broadcast. SSL 2 & SSL 2+ Interfaces. This is our ORIGIN. Live Sound Consoles.

This WordPress plugin works in cPanel shared hosting. You don’t need to have coding experience or server admin experience to set it up. Root access is NOT required. All you need is 8 minutes only. Install it, provide a few required information, and set up the daily cron job. You can even set up the cron job from this plugin with a single click. That’s it!

This WordPress plugin works on other web hosting control panels also, except for the auto-installation feature.

60,000+ downloads

Key Features

  • Automatic Free SSL Certificate issue, renewal, and installation in cPanel shared hosting. <- FREE of cost
  • One-click Force SSL activation, i.e., HTTPS redirect, fix insecure links and mixed content warning, display the padlock in the address bar with only one click. <- FREE of cost

Features in detail

  • ‘Auto-Install Free SSL’ works not only on your WordPress website’s domain but on all the websites hosted on your cPanel / web hosting.
  • This WordPress plugin is capable of issuing WildCard SSL certificate for free!
  • If you have cPanel shared hosting, the plugin will install free SSL certificate automatically.
  • Choose the interval to renew SSL certificates. The default is 30 days before the expiry.
  • This WordPress plugin saves the SSL certificates and private keys files above the document root (i.e., ‘public_html’).
  • You have the option to set the directory name in which this plugin saves SSL certificates and private keys.
  • Set the key length of SSL certificate as per your wish. The default value is 2048 bytes/bit.
  • The plugin saves the sensitive information (password/API secret) in your WordPress database encrypting with the open SSL.
  • There is an option to create a daily cron job with one click — no need to log in your web hosting control panel.
  • Do you need to issue wildcard SSL? You get four DNS service providers for which the plugin sets DNS TXT record automatically: Cloudflare, Godaddy, Namecheap, and cPanel. If your DNS provider is not supported, you have option to set the DNS TXT record yourself. At the right time, this WordPress plugin sends an email that provides the required data to set the DNS TXT record.
  • If the WordPress plugin automatically sets the DNS TXT record, it waits for 2 minutes before it sends challenges to the API of Let’s Encrypt for verification of your domains. If your DNS provider takes more than 2 minutes to propagate the TXT records, you have the option to make the plugin wait beyond two minutes interval.
  • If you set the DNS TXT record manually, the plugin waits until the TXT record propagation complete. Some web hosting company may terminate the cron job if the DNS service provider takes longer to complete propagation. In that situation, you may wait until the next run of the cron job or choose non-wildcard SSL for each sub-domain.
  • If your website currently doesn’t have an SSL certificate installed, this WordPress plugin provides an option to generate one free SSL certificate even before you configure the plugin. You get this option when you try to provide cPanel password or DNS API credentials over an insecure connection. So, no need to enter sensitive credentials on an insecure page.
  • You can revoke any SSL certificate or change your Let’s Encrypt™ account key at any time.
  • Fix insecure links & mixed content warnings and display the padlock with a single click.
  • One-click revert to HTTP if required.

Minimum System Requirements

  • Linux hosting (windows hosting is not supported)
  • WordPress 4.1
  • PHP 5.6
  • OpenSSL extension
  • Curl extension
  • PHP directive allow_url_fopen = On
  • For the automatic SSL certificate installation feature, your cPanel need to have the SSL installation feature enabled.
Ssl Plugins

Case 1: This WordPress plugin needs cPanel API to auto-install the SSL certificate. If your web hosting control panel is any other than cPanel, the client can’t install SSL certificate automatically. In that case, you can install the issued free SSL manually.

Case 2: Do you have cPanel, but the SSL certificate installation feature is DISABLED? You need to request your web hosting service provider to enable the feature, or you may contact them to install the free SSL issued by this plugin.

For any of the case 1 and 2, all other processes are automated. The plugin sends an automated email in the event of issue/renewal of free SSL certificate. The email tells you the path details of the SSL certificate, private key, and CA bundle. You need to install the SSL yourself (case 1) manually or with the help of your web hosting provider (case 2).


Popular and most easy method

  1. Click ‘Plugins > Add New’.
  2. Type this keyword in the search box: ‘Auto-Install Free SSL’.
  3. Once you found the plugin click ‘Install Now’ button.
  4. Click ‘Activate Plugin’.
  5. Go to the “After activation” section below.

Manually upload

  1. Download the plugin from this page.
  2. Upload the plugin archive to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory and extract it.
  3. Go to the ‘Plugins’ page in your WordPress backend and activate ‘Auto-Install Free SSL’.
  4. Go to the “After activation” section below.

After Activation

  1. After activating the plugin you see the ‘Settings’ link. Click on it.
  2. You get the dashboard of the plugin. You can also get this page from the admin menu at the bottom-left (below the default ‘settings’ menu) of your WordPress backend.
  3. You get the ‘Basic Settings’ option only, at this point. Click it and provide a little information with the form.
  4. Then you get other buttons like cPanel Settings, Exclude Domains, Add Cron Job. Click these buttons and fill in all the required information. Add the cron job.
  5. On the first run of the cron job, the plugin issues and installs an SSL certificate automatically. You receive an email for the same.
  6. Then go to the plugin’s dashboard. Click the ‘Activate Force HTTPS’ button (this button will be visible only after the plugin issue an SSL certificate). This one-click makes sure your website has no mixed content warning. Now the padlock appears in the browser’s address bar.
  7. Congratulations! You’re all set.

Support and Report a Bug

Please check the existing topics in the WordPress support forum before creating a new topic for support or reporting a bug.


  • I developed this plugin based on the PHP client/app ‘ Auto’, which I developed with a massive rewrite of Lescript.

Let’s Encrypt™ is a trademark of the Internet Security Research Group. All rights reserved.


Why do you need my cPanel password when others Let’s Encrypt clients don’t?

cPanel username and password is required to install the free SSL certificate automatically with the cPanel API. Let’s Encrypt SSL’s lifetime is 90 days. You need to get and install another SSL certificate before the expiration of the current SSL. If you provide your cPanel username and password, this plugin will do this repeated job automatically. All your credentials remain safe in your database. Moreover, ‘Auto-Install Free SSL’ encrypts the password before saving in your database.

All other Let’s Encrypt clients who auto-install free SSL certificate, needs root access, which is a higher privilege than the cPanel user. In shared hosting, the root access belongs to the web hosting company. So those clients will not work on shared hosting.

Does this WordPress plugin send the cPanel username or cPanel password to your server or to Let’s Encrypt?

We or Let’s Encrypt don’t collect any credentials. This plugin’s source code is open for audit. The team WordPress approved it after the audit. Please feel free to audit yourself too.

If you still hesitate for the password, please set the cPanel option to NO (in basic settings). You still get the SSL certificate and automated renewal. But you need to install the generated SSL manually. You need to provide all your domain information manually too.

I installed ‘Auto-Install Free SSL’ and did everything. But the SSL certificate was not issued. What should I do?

Please click the ‘Cron Jobs’ option in your cPanel. You’ll get the ‘Cron Jobs’ page. Now look for the following text under ‘Current Cron Jobs’ section:

Case 1: If you found this line, you have created the cron job successfully. This cron job will keep the plugin’s daily job running. Now please wait 24 hours (max). You’ll get an email notification that will tell you that the SSL certificate issued and installed automatically.

Case 2: If you don’t see that text, no cron job was added. For this reason, no SSL certificate was issued. Please create a cron job manually.

How do I create the cron job?

‘Auto-Install Free SSL’ has an option to add the cron job with one click from your WordPress dashboard.

I received the confirmation email but didn’t receive the cron output. Why?

Make sure you have provided your email in the ‘Cron Email’ section of the Cron Jobs page of cPanel.


Saved me a ton of time and money getting SSL Certs on WordPress.

SSL is one of the most iconic names in the recording industry, often attributed to the revolution of the mixing process, thanks to their innovative, at that time, 4000 E Series consoles. It is known for its vibrant, punchy sound, and has been used for countless hit recordings, which practically defined the sound of the 80s. Over the years, the 4000E console has become one of the most emulated units of all time, and today almost every professional mixer engineer has used this processor in one form or another.

In this review, we will try to review the best of the best 4000 Channel Strip emulations. But first, let’s talk about the difference between the 4000E and 4000G consoles.

What is best for your toolkit?

Solid State Logic was founded in 1969 by the late great Colin Sanders, but it was not until 1975 that they introduced their first SL4000A Series console. The following year, SSL introduced the SL 4000 B console, which attracted the attention of studios around the world. They continued to release revised versions of the SL 4000 console until 1979, when they released the classic E series console. The SL 4000 E series was unlike any other console in the modern world, but it was the first to have a dedicated compressor / limiter on each channel, and also provided for a main bus compressor. Many engineers refer to the 4000 E with the onset of the trend of heavy, aggressive music that we know and love today. The E Series’s original 4-band semi-parametric equalizer included options for switching between shelves and bells in the upper and lower bands, as well as special high-pass and low-pass filters.

The early E-Series consoles used the Brown Knob equalizer circuitry, which left the filters involved, rolling back from the lowest and highest frequencies. In 1983, it was replaced by the Black Knob 242 EQ equalizer, designed by the legendary George Martin, who corrected the filtering quirk and made some minor changes to the gain range, frequency selection and filter slope, offering a slightly different sound.

In 1987, SSL introduced the 4000 G series console, which was also amended. Although the dynamic modules on the E and G series consoles were almost identical, the G Series is said to have a softer equalizer than the E-series, thanks to the new 292 or 383 G-EQ circuit. The G series equalizer used steeper slopes of the filter and included a variable proportional Q design (which increases the Q value, the more you increase or decrease the signal, as in Pultec products).

So, now that you know the main differences between ESeries and GSeries EQ, let’s see what each of the best plugins has to offer.

Brainworx bx_console 4000 E & bx_console 4000 G (299$)

The bx_console plugins, recently updated using a proprietary SSL engineer, are perhaps even more powerful than the original SSL hardware channel bands. Using their own Brainworx tolerance modeling technology (in other words, “TMT”), they can accurately reproduce the natural variations of individual components from channel to channel – just like in real life. Brainworx offers two SSL channel emulations modeled after the E and G consoles, respectively: bx_console4000E and bx_console4000G. Both channel bands offer 72 unique channels using TMT, which allows you to more effectively recreate the sound of the actual physical SSL aggregate in your DAW program.

Bx_console E uses the iconic black and brown equalizer combination and a “shelf” switch in the low and high ranges, while bx_console G has updated orange and pink buttons with “x by 3” and “/ by 3” buttons to get access to a wider range of frequencies. Although both bx_consoles offer their own unique EQ blocks, they have a very similar dynamics section. The modules use a standard compressor / limiter and exciter / gate channel VCA. However, by pressing a single button, the compressor can be switched from an E-series channel compressor to a G-series bus compressor. bx_console also adds state-of-the-art features such as processing a processed / dry signal for parallel compression, a special THD control for dialing in the ideal amount of distortion, and additional functions.

Universal Audio SSL 4000 E Channel Strip (299$)

Universal Audio is one of the leading hardware emulators in the audio industry. At first glance, the emulation is similar to most of the other plugins on this list: it has 4 bands of the classic equalizer that can be switched between the curves of the black and brown buttons, as well as a standard filter with a speaker section. However, this is one of the channel plugins that includes emulation of SSL preamplifiers, in which there are “sweet colors” to convey harmonics and character.

Ssl Plug-ins Demo

Despite the lack of TMT technology found in the proposed Brainworx, enabling pre-amp emulation is a welcome suggestion and this makes it a great option. The only drawback is that to use this plug-in, you will need some form of Universal Audio equipment or the UA audio interface to make full use of the unison preamp technology.

Solid State Logic – Native Channel Strip (329$)

The originally released Duende series, which requires an external DSP processor, is now an impressive SSL audio emulation from the creators of SSL. Channel Strip is modeled on the basis of the SL 300, which is rumored to be based on the later SL 9000 Series. If you are looking for genuine SSL sound, then the products will be as close as possible!

Ssl Plugins Bundle

In addition to the traditional SSL features, the Channel Strip equalizer section can be switched from EQ to E-G with a single button. In addition to the standard quick attack controls in the dynamic section, Channel Strip also has options for soft RMS or peak style compression. Finally, it also has a surprisingly intuitive “process control” that allows you to reorder partitions with more flexibility than hardware, using a simple drag and drop window. This is a serious contender for the best overall plugin, but it is also the most expensive.

Acustica Audio – Sand FAB4 (173,53$)

Ssl Plugins Download

Acustica SAND is a new SSL-style bandwidth approach that offers multiple emulations in one package. Technically, this is not even a channel strip, as it is a whole set of SSL-style plugins. Instead of emulating a single version of SSL, Acustica Audio used a unique dynamic convolution technology to “sample” the sound characteristics of various SSL consoles for SAND and create a massive plug-in with the main components: equalizer, filters, compressor, preamp and routing control.

The only drawback is that the Sand package requires a lot of processing power, which means that in most systems you are unlikely to be able to use it. Instead, you are likely to use its three separate processors: SAND EQ, SAND BUS, and SAND PRE.

SAND EQ has two EQ & Filter options – type A and type B. Curves of type A are taken from the SL 4000 G + console and equipped with two fully parametric center strips and two semi-parametric shelves. Type B curves are sampled from the SL 5000 Series console and are noticeably thinner. They are equipped with four fully parametric center bands with a choice of bell or regimental formats for high and low frequencies. Both types offer slightly different approaches to dialing at the specific frequency you are looking for.

SAND BUS has two types of Type A and Type C compressor. Type A is modeled after the original SL 4000 G bus compressor, while Type C is modeled after “some other familiar software compressors”. SAND BUS also has a special button, decorated with the Acustica Audio logo, which activates the “crazy mode” that was probably modeled after the “Crush” mode on the Alan Smart C2. It has long been considered one of the most popular hardware-based SSL bus compressors. SAND BUS also has an intuitive ShMod (Shape Modulation) control that allows you to fine tune the compressor attack curve.

SAND PRE is pretty simple and has an input control knob along with five options for specific console emulations. MIX preamplifiers were selected directly from the line channel input of the SSL channel channel. MIX A offers accurate reproduction of SL 4000 amplifiers that you know and love, while MIX B is a masterpiece shot directly from a rare console. BUS channels are designed to emulate the sound of the mixing bus of the same consoles.

IK Multimedia T-RackS 5 British Channel + White Channel

IK Multimedia offers two SSL channel bandwidth options in its T-RackS package for half the cost of our list winners. They have an emulation of the old SL 4000 console called the British Channel and an emulation of the modern SL 9000 console called the White Channel

The British channel includes all the functions of the original channel strip, as well as several new ones, for example, the ability to switch the equalizer from the original E series brown pen schemes to the updated black pen design. Switching from black to brown also changes the frequency centers and gain ranges to accurately reflect the corresponding hardware models. The white channel offers a more subtle, transparent approach to signal processing. Known for its pristine sound, the White Channel has an almost identical interface with the British channel and even includes an EQ switch to switch between EQ Curves E and G. The dynamic section also adds a “hold” knob for more precise control. While T-RackS plugins are a great way to recreate sound at an affordable price, they do not offer many features for additional features, making them difficult to use.

Ssl Plugins Review

Waves SSL E-Channel Strip, G-Channel Strip (249$)

SSL Waves emulations were among the earliest available. It would be a crime not to mention the Waves Channel and G-Channel Strip plugins. As one of the first on the market, many engineers used them in their mixes at some point in their career. While these plugins cannot boast the same robust features as some of the others, they are definitely worth considering.

Ssl Plugins Manual

Waves SSL E-Channel Strip is modeled on the basis of the SL4000E series console and has “black pen” equalizer curves. Unfortunately, there is no way to switch to the EQ design with a “brown handle”. G-Channel Waves SSL is modeled after the SL4000GSeries console and includes a speaker section of the SL 4000 band with the G-series equalizer.

Finally, there are several other companies that deserve special mention:

  • Native Instruments offer excellent Eclipse SSL 4000 console channel emulations and channel dynamics modules with their SOLID EQ and SOLID Dynamics plugins for $ 99.00.
  • Slate Digital offers the FG-S and FG-401 EQ and compressor modules, modeled after the SL 4000 E console, which deliver extremely accurate, albeit limited, emulation features.
  • Softube Console 1 is a new approach to the DAW controller, which includes spot emulation of the SL 4000 E channel band (among many other sign processors). Although the plugin offers all the classic features you expect, the controller itself is the true charm of this device.

Ssl Plug-ins Downloads

In the end, any plug-in from this list is likely to provide all the required features. They provide classic SSL sound and familiar controls. Now that you have the necessary tools, the rest is up to you!

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