Mathematica Catalina

  • Processor: Intel Pentium Dual-Core or equivalent
  • Catalina Torrente. At Mathematica, I'm working on impact and process evaluations of primary and lower-secondary education projects in Guatemala, Nicaragua and Jordan. Our evaluations use a diversity of approaches, including experimental and quasi-experimental designs and quantitative and qualitative methods. Before joining Mathematica in 2015. Basically, you will have a dual boot arrangement. When MathType 8 is released, you can install to the preinstalled Catalina. Mojave can be removed by using the Disk Utility to delete the APFS volume containing Mojave. Before purchasing a refurbished Mac, you should confirm that the model was early enough to run Mojave.

  • Disk Space: 14 GB
    • How to Get the Latest Mathematica Client Version 12 (Now fully compatible with 64-bit macOS Catalina) Mathematica can be installed on: Campus machines. Follow the directions below to download software from Wolfram and request the appropriate activation key. Create an account (New users only): Go to and click 'Create Account'.
    • Catalina does create tow new volumes, a read-only system volume and a -data volume. Catalina is suppose to display them as a single combined volume. You should only see the two volumes if your booted into another system, use Terminal to view the volumes, or have them showing up in Disk Utility.
    • Wolfram Community forum discussion about Issues with Mathematica 12 in MacOS Catalina. Stay on top of important topics and build connections by joining Wolfram Community groups relevant to your interests.
  • System Memory (RAM): 2 GB+ recommended
  • Internet Access: Required in order to use online data sources from the Wolfram Knowledgebase.
  • Available Platforms

    • Windows
    • macOS
    • Linux

    Mathematica Catalina Download

    Microsoft Windows32-bit64-bit
    Windows 10
    Windows 8.1
    Windows 8
    Windows 7 Platform Update
    Windows Server 2019
    Windows Server 2016
    Windows Server 2012 R2
    Windows HPC Server 2008 R2
    Windows Server 2008 R2 Platform Update

    Apple macOS64-bit
    macOS 10.15 (Catalina)*
    macOS 10.14 (Mojave)**
    macOS 10.13 (High Sierra)***
    macOS 10.12 (Sierra)****
    OS X 10.11 (El Capitan)
    OS X 10.10 (Yosemite)

    * For Mathematica 12.0.0 or later, more details »
    ** For Mathematica 11.3.0 or later
    *** For Mathematica 11.2.0 or later
    **** For Mathematica 11.0.1 or later

    Mathematica Catalina 2

    Ubuntu 14.04–18.10
    RHEL 6–7
    CentOS 6–7
    Debian 8–9
    openSUSE Leap 42.3, 15
    Fedora 28-29

    Mathematica 12.0 has been fully tested on the Linux distributions listed above. On new Linux distributions, additional compatibility libraries may need to be installed. It is likely that Mathematica will run successfully on other distributions based on the Linux kernel 2.6 or later.

    Mathematica supports an X Window System front end, and uses the Qt application framework for its user interface—the same used by the major Linux desktop environment KDE. Regular tests are run on both enterprise and popular open-source Linux distributions.


    Additional Notes

  • For assistance migrating your Mathematica installation to a new computer, contact customer service »
  • To use the C compilation feature in Mathematica, a C compiler is required to be present.
  • Mathematica Catalina 3

  • To use Mathematica’s built-in GPU computing capabilities, you’ll need a dual-precision graphics card that supports OpenCL or CUDA, such as many cards from NVIDIA, AMD and others.
  • Mathematica 11 Catalina

  • For system requirements for Mathematica 9 through 11.3.0, go to the Wolfram Product System Requirements page.