Eq Eight Ableton

Unsurprisingly, perhaps, one of my favourite tools for processing loops and samples is EQ: it's indispensable for shaping tones and making things sit right in the mix. However, the EQ Eight plugin found in Ableton Live has the potential for more creative processing than just keeping things neat and tidy - from injecting rhythm by gating EQ bands to performing risers effortlessly using nothing more than white noise, paying attention to some of those often-overlooked controls on the EQ Eight's front panel will reward your productions with rich and inspiring sound design!

I'm going to be applying some of these neat EQ tricks to sounds from our recently released Polychrome Beats sample collection, so pick it up if you want to try these steps out on the original material. Let's get started!

100 Free Ableton EQ Eight Presets Freebies Using EQ presets is a quite controversial topic, but they can be a great starting point to help push you in the right direction. Ableton Stock EQ Tutorial about EQ Eight and EQ Three. Today Reid Stefan Realest Puppet In The Game mixes a vocal and guitar with EQ Eight and EQ Three. An EQ that cuts, boosts, or shapes the sound depending on what is being fed into it. So instead of just a frequency node, gain, Q, and filter types we have additional tools like threshold, attack and release which can drive those EQ. Dec 23, 2017 Ableton’s stock eq eq 8 itself is an awesome plugin and can produce professional results.

1. Widescreen Display

This tip doesn't give you great sounds by itself, but it sure makes getting there easier, as we'll see shortly. If you click the small arrow button next to the EQ Eight's Bypass button at the top left, it opens up the Session/Arrangement Display.

This puts the display up into the space where tracks would otherwise go, giving you a much bigger display of the spectrum, EQ curves and the EQ band handle circles. You'll notice that this also changes the appearance of the EQ Eight in the Device View at the bottom, too: you can see all the EQ bands' Frequency, Gain and Q controls lined up at once.

On the left are parameters for the spectrum display, labelled 'Analyse'. Upping the Block size to 16384 from the default 8192 will double the frequency resolution of the display, great if you're doing razor-sharp adjustments on the big display. You can also up the 'Avg' factor so that the display changes more smoothly, so you can get a better handle on what frequencies are most salient.

Eq Eight Ableton

2. Audition Mode

This is where things start getting really cool. Over on the right-hand side of the EQ Eight's main panel is a small button with a pair of headphones shown on it.

Pressing this puts the device into Audition Mode, meaning that clicking on any of the EQ band handles (the little circles on the spectrum display) will mute the output of the EQ save for the difference being made to the input by that particular frequency band. If you're anything like me, you'll instantly start playing around with those circles! Even just clicking them on and off makes for some rhythm injected into a pad'

To record the output of your performance on the EQ Eight, just create a new audio track and set the input of that track to the name of the track where your EQ Eight is. Record Arm the new track, hit record and get clicking! Theremin, here I come'

3. Multiple Selections

In the image above, you can see that it's actually possible to select more than one of the circles in order to gang them together and control them all at once. Something that's interesting to do with this trick is to control the frequencies together once they're tuned to the harmonics of a particular note in your material. To do this, tune the lowest frequency band to 100Hz, and set the others to 200, 300, 400 and so on, all with high Q settings. Now, select all their handles and move them all around to either accentuate or knock out notes from a loop!

4. The Scale Control

This control is awesome! It lets you alter the gain of all frequency bands at once, whether all the handles are selected or not.

But the reason that it's really cool is that you can use the trick above to hone in on a troublesome note (such as a major third in a sample you'd like to be minor), and then flip the Scale from 100% to -100% and hear the note disappear!

5. M/S Mode

The M/S mode is what truly gives the Swiss knife that is the EQ Eight its sharp edge. It stands for Mid/Side, and involves a spot of nifty polarity inversion to turn the Left/Right channels of stereo in a channel for anything in the middle and another for anything off to either side of the stereo stage. This way of processing is a favourite of mastering engineers because it lets you enhance both bass oomph and brightness in the middle (on the kick, bass, snare and vox, for example) while dialling it down to the sides where you don't need it, all without losing a single dB of overall headroom!

Eq Eight Ableton Live Light

Just push the 'Edit' button to flip between the Mid and the Sides once you're in M/S mode, and adjust them separately.

That's it for this tutorial! I hope you've learnt something new about EQ Eight and have some ideas for how you can apply these tips next time you're EQing a track - until next time, get creative!

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Turn your regular EQ8 into a Bad-Ass EQ8!

Some people don’t know that the stock EQ8 in Ableton Live has a HI-Quality setting, and even less people know what it does. Well, lets go ahead and learn all about it with Dubspot Ableton Certified instructor Thavius Beck.

The way to turn the setting on is to right click on the title bar for the EQ8. At the very bottom of the pop-up window is a setting called “Oversampling” click it and a check will appear to the left of the word. That is how you know that it is enabled. If you are using Live 8 or below this setting is called “High Quality”.

It might be a good idea to go ahead and make it your default setting, again right click on the title bar, but keep in mind it takes up almost twice as much CPU. When it isn’t enabled, for example, on my machine, processing one clip through the EQ8 takes up about 3-4% cpu. When it is enables that goes to 5-8%. The reason why is outlined below.

“When Hi-Quality mode is enabled on the EQ8, the audio being fed into the EQ is oversampled by a factor of 2 (meaning the sample rate of the audio is doubled. If your session’s sample rate is 44.1kHz, enabling Hi-Quality will make the audio being fed into the EQ8 88.2kHz). Then the EQ changes are calculated at the doubled sample rate, and finally the audio as it leaves the EQ is undersampled by a factor of 2, or basically brought back to it’s original sample rate.

“Why does this happen? It all has something to do with what is referred to as the Nyquist Point. The Nyquist Point is one half of your sample rate, so if your session’s sample rate is 44.1kHz, the Nyquist Point will be 22.05kHz, which is right at the upper limit of human hearing, and just beyond the furthest right edge of our EQ8′s GUI. Any audio that produces a frequency higher than the Nyquist Point cannot be accurately reproduced digitally and will have aliasing or digital distortion as a result.

Eq eight ableton live lite

“Because of this, the EQ8′s frequency range was initially limited to 22kHz on the high end (when working on a session with a 44.1kHz sample rate). If your EQ is in normal mode (not Hi-Quality), and you create a notch on the 4th EQ point (reduce the gain all the way on the 4th point), start to increase the Frequency on that 4th point. You’ll notice that as you get closer to the Nyquist Point (22kHz when working with a 44.1kHz sample rate), the curve of the EQ gets squashed so that the curve doesn’t extend beyond 22kHz. Now, enable Hi-Quality mode and try the same thing. Notice how the EQ curve remains intact no matter how close you get to the Nyquist point.” … Full Article


Eq Eight Ableton Live 9

Eq eight ableton live 9

Eq Eight Ableton
