E Sword

E Sword

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E-sword is a full-featured application that makes studying the Bible in depth easy and rewarding. It includes full Bible texts in multiple translations and original languages as well as related commentaries and dictionaries to aid in study. E-Sword is described as 'Bible study software. E-Sword is feature rich and user friendly. Prepare great sermons and awesome Bible studies. Great for Sunday school teachers!' And is an app in the Audio & Music category. There are more than 25 alternatives to e-Sword for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Android, iPhone, Mac and iPad.

We are not really trying to make a profit here but just pay for our expenses for keeping this site working and with new modules. Various visitors have asked me to bundle up all my modules into packages and make them available. I am going to do that, but I need to make a small charge on each one. I am bundling them for the ease of use and to help users to download a lot of modules at once rather than individually. Note that some modules in these bundles are on the website for free (a lot are), and some modules on the website are not going to be in any bundle. You will have to evaluate this by searching. There also may be some duplicates between bundles. I am taking modules from both the website and my archives in making the bundles, and this may cause duplicates or even differences between modules of the same name.



Note that many of the modules in these packages are also available on this website in free form. The “for sale” packages are (1) for the ease in getting a lot of modules quickly. (2) A way that I can get the vast bulk of my archives to users without having to make an individual post for each module. (For people to find things in search engines it is best that the name of the work is in the title, and each work has its own page.) But I have 6,000 e-Sword modules in my archives (that are in these bundles), and I also have other archives with even more (about 30,000-35,000 in different formats with some overlapping). So I only have about 600 posts with a single module presented in its own post. So I am multiplying what I am offering to the e-Sword community by about 12 via these bundles. I have other resources (in Microsoft Word DOC, PDF, RTF and HTML) in my archives that I can also convert to e-Sword format but I am losing the time battle in posting all of these modules one-by-one, so hence I am bundling.

Why Donate if you are charging? Good question. The bottom line is that donations help keep this website up also. I will start sending out a monthly email with sales coupons where you can get these modules (already at a low price) for an even lower price, and some may be given away for free in some monthly newsletters. General donations to the website help make that possible. People donation and I will lower the prices for a special one-month sale price. As I can pay my hosting bills, I will even out what I can earn from sales of these modules with lower prices for you.

The total number of files in what I am offering is about 7GBs, and about 5600 actual files. I doubt that any other e-Sword website has that many modules. If they do, tell me, and I will try to incorporate those files into mine. If they have not copied my files in the first place, that is. Note that these are a large part of my e-sword archives. I have created many of these files and downloaded these files over the years from different websites, and many of the websites I got them from are no longer up. I have done all that work for free for the e-Sword community. But now I am opening my archives to people at a price. I make no attempt to filter out duplicates (although the same file with the same name is always overwritten or the duplicate removed), and in some cases, the same work has been created by two or more people, so the duplicates can have some differences in the formatting.

I also am making no attempt to limit the book files to only refx or topx. I do not know why e-Sword has two formats. This is another one of things about e-Sword that makes no sense, but this is what the users of e-Sword have to put up with (switch to theWord, it is a better program). Also, I am putting these files into compressed zip format. e-Sword files have no native compression (theWord does this automatically, and compressing a theWord file yields very little or no savings in bytes because they are already compressed).

e-Sword Pack Naming. Each of my e-Sword module packs will have a unique name, and this name has nothing to do with anything, just words that I pull out of the air in order to make a distinction between one set of files from another. Note that each of these file packs has over 100MB uncompressed of files. I have developed a convention (formula) for calculating the base price based on the number of MBs x number of files x .0007 cents. That is how I came up with the price. I am purposely setting the base price high (around $10 USD per pack) but with that, I am planning on making sales, and these things will allow me to promote the module packs.

Complaint:These files are elsewhere on the Internet.” Yes, there are in a lot of cases. (A large number of them I created, and other people have downloaded them and scrapped my website of everything I have on it. This is another reason why I am charging. If people want to do that, then they will help me pay for my hosting at least a little bit. Someone has written to me, and that person told me that he visits this website every day, and he copies every new file I put up on the website he works for. So this I know for a fact because the guy doing it shoots me an email if I make a post and there is no download link telling me so!) The point of me making my archives available is that some people don’t have some of these files or most of them. They want everything I have quickly. Other people don’t want to take the time to search the Internet to find e-Sword modules. A great number of these files were originally exe files, and I had to download them, run the exe, and then scan them for viruses. That takes time. In purchasing these modules, I have presented them in an easier format for you. In reality, you are helping me with a donation for searching the Internet, and prepping the files, and making a lot of files to download in a single archive.

All of these packages have over 100MBs each and upwards of 100 e-Sword modules. I will also run sales where you can purchase certain packages for much less, like $5, and $2.50 on Black Friday and Christmas, so those prices will lower the actual cost to around 2.5 cents per file. This will cover my costs, and not be much of a burden on the user. Please subscribe to my newsletter to take advance of the sales. Once I start getting actual products online, I will notify you of the

I am also with my back against the wall needing financial help because I am really thinking and praying about taking down websites because of finances. I am hoping that by offering these modules this way, it will help pay the bills.

ALL PAYMENTS TO ME FROM THIS WEBSITE SHOULD BE CONSIDERED A DONATION TO KEEP THE WEBSITE UP! All income from the sale of these modules will go for the maintenance and upkeep of this website, and the software and equipment necessary to keep making new modules.

I have tried to balance these packages out so as to get as many modules as I can in a package that is not too difficult to download. There may be duplicates between the packages. Please note that topx and refx are two different formats within e-Sword, and I have in general tried to keep the same title but topx or refx in the same package when I can.

I have been working within the e-Sword community for more than 10 years, and I made a vast majority of the early modules. People have copied my modules and uploaded them to other websites. Because of this, I cannot separate in my archives what I personally have made and what other people have made. So if you made a module and wish to complain that it is on my website, please note that I will consider what you have to say, but you must be the copyright owner before your concerns and demands about taking down a module is definitely heard. Everybody else, I will listen, but I do not promise to take down things just because somebody does like me. Sorry!

If there are any copyright concerns please email davidcoxmex@gmail.com

If you write to me about copyright concerns, please identify exactly if you are the copyright owner, or if not, you comments are just suggestions and opinions. Only copyright owners should be asking me to take down modules.

Any questions or complaints, please email davidcoxmex@gmail.com

I wrote the below (in blue) on this page and what Rick Meyers and Steve Berger did was send a man in a brown unmarked car CA License number 1225382 to tell me if I cleaned windows to survive anymore he’d write me a ticket. I told him he was a sorcerer and he said he was not. Then I said what’s your name and he said move along, so I went to the back of his car and got his license number, then he rolled around as I was getting my bike and my dog so we could leave and I said you’re a persecutor of Christ and he said he tried his best. Then he said, I told you my name (I am sure he wanted to give me a fake name) and I said. I don’t remember you and if I forgot your name, good for me. You’re not worth remembering. And I said you’re going to hell and I’ll’ see you at your judgment and he said, I’ll be in line after you and I said, no I will be testifying against you at your Great White Throne Judgment, as I was leaving.

So I am pouring out the water and I will get it somewhere else in another fashion. I can’t afford these demonic links destroying my life as you all sit back and take notes and do nothing to help me get out of this situation. See bottom of that page.

Then I will go back after that and clean windows because I have no choice.

3/24/14 So they shut down the restrooms in the grocery and then I got water at Starbucks because that guy said follow him to McDonalds the day before (for some food which I did not do, but Rick and Steve knew I got water at the grocery and McDonalds, so he’d say I followed deceptive spirits if I went to McDonalds) . So they closed off the water at the grocery so I got the water at Starbucks. Then the next day the woman at Starbucks said how do you fill up your water bottle to the guy next to her, them a table or so away from me so I’d hear her. So I went back to the grocery after I complained about them closing that off being just part of Rick Meyers and Steve’s plot and it was available again so I filled it up there. But then later that day it was closed off again but I had plenty of water so I did not worry about it.

Then last night I thought I’d just go to the gas station for water as I was at Starbucks. Then I forgot to use the restroom when I was at Starbucks when they were open and I went to the gas station at their restroom was out of order too, or so they said. Then I went to another place but only their drive through was open so I had to take a shit in a sack and I threw it away. Because of the plots of Rick Meyers and Steve Berger I had no other choice. Kind of like how God has no other choice but to throw those two sacks of shit, Rick Meyers and Steve Berger away. They left Him no choice.

So what they did to me, came back on them.

Proverbs 26:27 He who digs a pit will fall into it, And he who rolls a stone, it will come back on him.

Also regarding what I wrote being on the Internet forever (what I decide to leave on the Internet) and what Rick Meyers and Steve Berger’s legacy will be, people will be educated for years to come with things like this (type that into Google):

E-sword Modules

What does paying attention to deceitful spirits mean?

(my page on that, that Rick Meyers and Steve Berger by their evil actions helped me understand what it meant, that they were the ones doing it, not me. Then God took me to the Bible verses that proved what I saw them doing was that is the 3rd result as on now). In other words His Spirit showed me what it actually meant then He showed me where it was in the Bible.

E Sword Android

There are three deceiving spirits next to me (the woman with the child, not the child, obviously, and the two men. One seems to have left). Nothing new there.

She said some thing I forgot but she just said she had to use the restroom real bad so she had to go to the gas station and use a toked. Taco bell is a place down the street but you have to use a token to use that restroom. So Rick and Steve are trying to knock that out too. They gave her those words to say, them paying attention to deceptive spirits, to knock out taco bell and the gas stating for me to use the restroom at. Now the BITCH said nothing about getting water, but to get into the restroom to get water at Taco Bell you have to use a token. The reason they are able to harm people by that phrase is they have the wrong definition of what the phrase means. They could shut down your whole world pushing you from place to place to avoid what they say. That’s what they are doing to me. I will not let them do that. I’m going to go to the most convenient logical place for whatever I need. But in the position I am in I will have to probably write about it first, explaining my actions or they will lie and say I did it because they said so.

So I was at Starbucks first (before the deceptive spirit), filling up water, so I will fill it up here. Then when the others open up I will fill it up there or here. Wherever the fuck I feel like. And I will go to the restroom at the closest open restroom.


The deceptive spirit picked up my empty cup of coffee off the table I am at and handed it to me, Her pretending her child would knock it off, so the bitch could say she gave me a cup of coffee (it’s my cup and it was fucking empty). You will meet her, your bitch, in hell Rick Meyers and Steve Berger, you bitches.

E Sword Ipad

So you see what she did. The one deceiving spirit said how do you fill up your water bottle? Actually it’s bottles. I use my coffee cup is how. Then the other bitch deceiving spirit gives me my own cup by picking it up and handing it to me (that bitch). So she can take a false report back to Rick Meyers, those paying attention to deceptive spirits and say she gave me the cup I use to fill up my dog’s water. That’s the lie she was told to manufacture.