
  1. Curaspan
  2. Curacao
  3. Curaleaf
  4. Curaleaf

Cura is desktop software that can be downloaded free of charge from the Ultimaker website and is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. We recommend Cura as the default slicing software for all schools as it is free of charge, powerful, quick to slice and very easy to get started with. Students in upper KS2 and beyond after some instruction can. Use Cura for Robo slicing software to preview and prepare your files for printing. It comes loaded with Robo print profiles (recommended settings) but allows you to customize advanced printing options. If your printer is connected to Wi-Fi, you can connect it to Cura to load your prints directly from the program onto your printer.

CURA is a single-source solutions provider that pairs the benefits of today’s most advanced technologies with a caring human touch. We strategically integrate hundreds of data sources into our proprietary transportation management software, which allows us to ensure complete transparency within our operations. We make sure to go above and beyond to provide the highest level of service possible to our customers.



    CURA’s network capacity is comprised over 500,000 independent operators and carriers holding multi-asset equipment types. The ability to instantaneously reach different contacts within this network and vet those entities based our customers’ requirements differentiates CURA from the rest.

    Through tactical, transactional, and strategic outsourcing and partnerships, CURA has the flexibility in relationships to meet the demands of the most challenging supply chain operations across the world.

    Our caring and knowledgeable staff are extensively and continuously educated on all major market upstream and downstream operations so that they can best efficiently coordinate multi-modal shipments at operationally sustainable costs.

    Internal and external big data integration supplemented by complex machine learning AI algorithms provide CURA and its customers real-time tracking information with predictive analytics to mitigate potential delays before they happen.

    After hours availability and unparalleled response time, 24/7/365 is why CURA maintains an 100% customer retention rate. Attention to detail and proactive problem solving sets the benchmark for which customers base their expectations from.

    CURA aims to build relationships that guarantee long lasting business success for all parties involved. Timely and transparent updates is required to even start a successful business relationship, accountability and execution of promised capabilities sustain those relationships overtime.

CURA is dedicated to unrivaled responsiveness no matter what time or day of the year. Choose whether you would like us to reach out to you by phone or email and if you’d like, include a brief description of what we can help with!

You have already submitted a form.


Phone: 707.309.8972

Cultivating Resilience Through Community

The COVID-19 Urgent Response and Aid (CURA) Project is a hub connecting Latinx, Indigenous, and low-income community members to community-based services that will help us endure COVID-19 . . . and an example of what equitable access to emergency services could look like in Sonoma County.


We are here to answer any questions you have about resources, including Emergency Financial Assistance (please see criteria below to see if you might qualify for this assistance).

Please give us a call at 707.309.8972 or email at to help connect you to one of our Resource Navigators who are here to guide you and determine if you are eligible for Emergency Financial Assistance.

Hours: Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm


In addition to financial services, we know that you may be experiencing hardship during this time and may need further assistance, such as food aid & delivery, legal aid, COVID-19 testing, vaccination and education resources and mental health services. We have a team that will follow up with you and get you the services you need.


+ Click here for more information about Emergency Financial Assistance (EFA) eligibility

Eligibility Criteria for Emergency Financial Assistance (EFA):

  • You live in Sonoma County
  • You earn At/Less than 80% of Area Median Income (see table below)
  • Must demonstrate decreased income or increased expenses due toCOVID-19
  • You are NOT eligible for unemployment insurance (UI), Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI), or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

    Below is a table showing household size and the income cap for you to receive EFA:

    Persons in Household
    Low Income/
    80% Area Median Income
  • Minimum documentation – please try and have these ready and available prior to contact from EFA representative
    • Photo ID
    • Proof of monthly/annual income or proof of unemployment
    • COVID-19 positive test documentation
    • Documentation of quarantine order from medical/public health representative


We would love to hear your thoughts or feedback on how we can improve your experience with the CURA Project in order to better serve our community. Click Here