Amiga Os 3.9

From Classicamiga

This list only shows the main features of Amiga OS 3.9. System Requirements AmigaOS 3.9's hardware requirements are identical to that of Amiga OS 3.5. AmigaOS 3.9 is a software-only Update w/o ROMs (however, it requires Kickstart 3.1 ROMs to operate!). OS 3.9: Boing Bag 2 available now! March 2002: H&P is proud to announce the availability of Boing Bag 2 for AmigaOS 3.9. Boing Bag 3.9-2 contains many bug fixes, small enhancement and new features in the areas multimedia (AMPlifier, PlayCD, sound datatype), shell, Workbench (Find, AsyncWB, UnArc, XAD v10), ReAction and harddisk support. Change to 16mb rtg memory And notice the uaescsi.device ticked. This list only shows the main features of Amiga OS 3.9. Download Amiga OS 3.9. System Requirements. Amiga OS 3.9 ‘s hardware requirements are identical to that of Amiga OS 3.5. Amiga OS3.9 is a software-only Update w/o ROM’s (however, it requires Kick start 3.1 ROM’s to operate!) Amiga OS3.9 is the update for Amiga OS 3.5 — but it can. Release 3.9 of Amiga OS for the Amiga 1000 computer series. 2021-01-26 00:15:55.

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Kickstart ROM 3.9

Kickstart 3.9 Boot Screen
Kickstart Version 3.9
Kickstart revisions 45.x
Max Compatible OS AmigaOS 3.9
Available for Amiga modelsA1200, A4000, A4000T
Date Released 2006
ROM size 512KB
  • 1Kickstart 3.9 Information

Kickstart 3.9 Information

Kickstart 3.9?

There wasn't an official Kickstart 3.9 ROM released by Commodore, or any other Amiga company. Kickstart 3.9 is instead is a custom 'scene/homebrew' ROM created by the Amiga community for use with AmigaOS3.9.

What is the Kickstart 3.9 ROM?

Although AmigaOS 3.9 boots fine using a Kickstart 3.1 ROM, before AmigaOS 3.9 actually loads it normally first needs to patch the system by running setpatch to add the additional AmigaOS ROM Updates required for 3.9, and then once they are loaded/patched the system reboots and then loads AmigaOS 3.9.

Logically, had Commodore still existed they probably would have released an updated kickstart ROM that contained the updates this Patch adds, instead of needed to patch the system in memory every time it boots. This is where this custom Kickstart 3.9 ROM comes in. By combining the files from the original Kickstart 3.1 ROM with those included in the AmigaOS 3.9's ROM Updates and making a new updated ROM it removes the Amiga's need to first need to run the setpatch to add the newer files into the system.

How is this achieved?

The custom 3.9 ROM is built by combining the files from the original Kickstart 3.1 ROM version, with the files from the AmigaOS 3.9 ROM update. And a new ROM is then built which contains both. Therefore allowing the Amiga to boot into AmigaOS 3.9 without first needed to patch the system and perform a soft reboot.

And while creating this custom ROM image you can take the opportunity to customised the files it contains for your own needs. For example you could remove the original scsi.device from the ROM image if you don't use the Amiga's original on-board IDE interface, and instead add a different device driver needed for the HD hardware you actually use, such as 1230scsi.device.

How to make a Kickstart 3.9 ROM set

You will need:

  • A Willem EPROM programmer and Windows PC to control it. - see official Willem site
  • 2 16-bit EPROMs.
  • Doobrey's RomSplit and Remus utilities - see Downloads

The process to make a Kickstart 3.9 ROM set is as follows:

  • Read the contents of your 3.1 ROM chip into an image file.
  • Use Doobrey's RomSplit utility to split the resulting image file into it's component parts (the files contained within it).
  • Use Doobrey's RomSplit utility to split the AmigaOS 3.9 AmigaOS Rom Update files into it's component parts (files).
  • Combine the 3.1 ROM's files with the ones in the newer AmigaOS 3.9 ROM Update. Replacing any older versions from the 3.1 ROM files with the newer ones contained in the 3.9 Update.
  • Remove any files that you won't need, and add any additional ones that you require. As mentioned above, you could remove scsi.device from the rom if you don't use the on-board IDE interface, and replace it with a different file such as 1230scsi.device.
Note: When doing this make sure you keep an eye on the complete ROM size. While your EPROMs might be larger, the Amiga expects to find a 512KB ROM image, so your final total ROM size must remain that size.
  • Build these files back into a ROM image, by combined the files using the Remus utility.
  • Next test the image by using BlizKick (or another method of softkicking a ROM image on a real Amiga).
  • Next copy the ROM image to a Windows based PC and load the image into WinHex
  • Dissect the file Wordwise, and create 2x256kb files (so it is split to fit onto the two physical Kickstart EPROMs. Which creates the two files U6A_tmp.bin and U6B_tmp.bin
  • Concatenate U6A_temp.bin to itself to create U6A.bin, with a filesize of 512K and do the same for U6B.
  • Load each image into the Willen programming software, perform a Byte Swap operation on the buffer, and then write each image to the EPROM chips.
  • Install them into your Amiga as you would a normal Amiga ROM and you are finished!


You will need the following software from DoobreyNet to split ROMs into component parts, and to combine files to make the new ROM image.

RomSplit rips rom images apart into it`s component parts (plus 'AmigaOS Rom Update' files and Piru`s Exec44).
Currently only v40.68 (A1200,A4000D,A3000,AmigaForever),v40.70 (A4000D,A4000T,A3000), v40.63 (A500/600/2000) and V39.106 (A1200,A4000) are supported.
Remus can take any component parts and build them back into a rom image.
It can also take Blizkick modules and patches, and can actually it can take any file in the standard amiga hunk format, as long as there`s at least 1 valid resident structure and no BSS hunks.


  • DoobreyNet - Remus+RomSplit betas - Official site for these utilities.
  • Kickstart 3.9 on my A1200 - topic discussing the processby motorollin; Forum.
Retrieved from ''


In order to use this Workbench, you MUST follow the install procedure provided.

You'll need a valid OS 3.9 install updated with Boing Bags 1 and 2, without one this pack will fail.

Vital and copyright files contained on the 3.9 install will be copied during the installation.

This is required because Workbench is still sold commercially.

The copyright holders can be found at:


  • Emulator to run the HDF provided (WinUAE is assumed)
  • 3.1 ROM
  • OS 3.9 HDF install with official BoingBags 1 and 2 (Please read this guide)
Amiga Os 3.9

Example Configuration

CPU68020 + FPU
SPEEDFastest Possible but maintain chipset timing
JIT8MB (Force settings and Hard Flush boxes cleared)
Display800x600 (Windowed)
MiscUAEscsi.device checked in order to allow CDROM access

A WinUAE config file is supplied including these settings. The informationabove is provided in case of config file incompatibility with new releases orother emulators. Note this is only a suggested setup - feel free tomodify.


  1. Place the 'ClassicWB_OS39.UAE' file into the WinUAE configurations directory.
  2. Start WinUAE and load the ClassicWB_OS39 config.
  3. Select a relevant ROM file in the ROMS tab.
  4. Add your OS 3.9 HDF file to the Hard Drives tab using 'Add Hardfile' - make sure it's listed as being device DH0:
  5. Add the 'System.hdf' file to the Hard Drives tab using 'Add Hardfile' - make sure it's listed as being device DH1:
  6. Boot into OS 3.9
  7. Find the 'Install' icon left out in the centre of the Workbench and double click it to begin installation.
  8. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the ClassicWB OS39 HDF
  9. Remove the OS 3.9 HDF from the Hard Drives tab, then move the 'System.hdf' from DH1: to DH0:
  10. Save the configuration and boot.

Keymaps, locale and regional settings

ClassicWB defaults to the Great Britain locale and keymap settings.Obviously this is no good if you live elsewhere and your time zone andkeyboard layout differs.

In order to change these settings, do the following:

  1. Move the required keymap from the 'Storage/Keymaps' to 'Devs/Keymaps' drawer
  2. Place the 'gb' keymap back into the 'Storage/Keymaps' drawer, or it will take up memory
  3. Reboot the Amiga and open up the 'Prefs/Input' requester
  4. Select your corresponding keymap and save the setting
  5. Open up the 'Prefs/Locale' requester and select your region, again saving the setting

Note that those with an American keyboard layout are able to simplyremove the 'gb' keymap, placing it back into the 'Storage/Keymaps' drawer, leaving the 'Devs/Keymaps' drawer empty. The required keymap is built into theROM as its default setting, so to finish just save the 'Prefs/Input' with'American' selected.

WHDLoad kickstarts for games and demos

WHDLoad is a tool that allows disk based games/demos to be installed and runfrom the hard drive, even if they were never designed to do so. It also fixesincompatibility problems between different kickstarts and Amiga models.

Just as with Workbench disks, kickstart images required for WHDLoad areunfortunately still sold commercially and therefore illegal to distribute.

In order to obtain the required images, refer to the instructionsprovided.READ HERE

Using a PC directory

I don't support copying this Workbench into a PC directory; you may encounterproblems with files. Feel free to do so if you wish. Seethe FAQ for details why.


Amiga Os 3.9 Hdf

Included is a utility that prevents Amiga disk drives clicking. Apparently,there are a few rare third party drives that get louder when using suchutilities. These drives are usually from the A1000 days so I doubt you'llexperience problems. Just be aware if a drive continues to click a few secondsafter the Workbench has finished booting, disable 'Anticlick' in the settingsmenu.

If your Amiga hard drive is larger than 2GB, read the FAQ


One advantage of the ClassicWB being on a HDF is you can use an emulator tocustomize it before transferring to a real Amiga.

Every version has been made as small as possible by removing redundant files.In order to reduce the install further however, you may wish to remove items(such as those found in the icons drawer) before transferring.


Method 1

WinUAE has the option ofmounting and preparing a real hard drive for use on an Amiga! This option isonly available in Win2k-XP. Win9x-ME unfortunately won't allow this feature.

Once mounted and formatted, the contents of the HDF can simply be copieddirectly over to the hard drive. Then it can be placed back into the Amiga readyfor use.

The WinUAE device name to use with HDtoolbox or similar utility is'uaehf.device'. If you've already partitioned the drive Amiga side, it should bevisible in the hard drives tab after using 'Add Harddrive'.

Amiga os 3.9 image

Read the WinUAE documentation for further details, or refer to theinternet.

Amiga Os 3.9 Download

Method 2 - a slower alternative to Method 1 or direct copying of files


  • The ClassicWB install ADF provided must first be written back to a real Amiga disk.
  • Install procedure works by unzipping the file ''.
  • The first hard drive partition must be called DH0: for the install floppy to work. I suggest using HDtoolbox found on the Workbench Install disk to name partitions. This can be done without losing any data stored on those partitions.
  • Creating the '' file is done in WinUAE (or other compatible emulator) and copied onto a real Amiga hard disk partition identifiable as device DH0:

Creating '' in WinUAE

  1. Load the now installed ClassicWB config created above. image
  2. Add a PC directory to the Hard Drives tab. You can call this whatever you wish, however using 'PC' for either the device or volume name will produce a nice Workbench icon shown in the pictures. image
  3. Boot the ClassicWB and load 'Dopus' from the popup menu. image
  4. Select 'DH0' for one window and the 'PC' directory added in 1) for the second window. image
  5. Highlight all the ClassicWB files on 'DH0' and click the 'ZIP' button. image
  6. When asked to enter an archive name, type 'System'. image
  7. Hit return and wait for the archive to be finalized (may take a while). image
  8. Test the archive's integrity either in Dopus or Windows. image

Updating a Pre-installed Amiga Partition

Amiga Os 3.9
  1. Copy the '' file onto your first hard drive partition, device DH0:
  2. Write 'Real_Amiga_Install.ADF' back to a normal Amiga 3.5' disk. Details of how to achieve this can be found in the file transfer section.
  3. Boot your Workbench disk and manually delete all workbench related files on DH0:, except ''.
  4. Boot from the install disk created in 2) and follow the on-screen instructions.

Installing from scratch

  1. Boot your Workbench install disk and use HDtoolbox to setup your hard drive, naming the first partition DH0:
  2. Boot the disk again and format DH0: , calling it whatever you wish.
  3. Copy the '' file onto your first hard drive partition, device DH0:
  4. Write 'Real_Amiga_Install.ADF' back to a normal Amiga 3.5' disk. Details of how to achieve this can be found in the file transfer section.
  5. Boot from the install disk created in 4) and follow the on-screen instructions.

Amiga Os 3.9 Vs 3.1.4
